Few things on July

A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject – Caleste Headlee in her TED talk

Hello, my favorite month August! We meet again now. I’m so excited to start this month & hope you’ll be one of the most enjoyable time of this year. But firstly before that, let’s reflect on what we’ve been through in July.

  • It’s such a saaad thing that I cancel my plan to watch a concert on Aula Simfonia this month. I was thinking that I can watch it on next month anyway. But turns out that the concert schedule for August won’t match mine. Saaaaaad Lesson learned is, don’t hold anything just because you think you can do that next time. If the thing was important for you, make sure to make time for that.

  • I write on paper more often this month since I have a new notebook that I bring from Tegal. It’s nice to have some time to grab a pen and doodling while waiting my code to be compiled. (;
    Things I commited to do more:

  • Take more  journal & photo
    Journal could be the source of inspiration. It’s such a sad thing that I don’t do this much this month. I want to commit on doing that more. Oh, and also take more photo! Because it could be the complement for my journal.