What's next for me?


This weekly post is kinda personal since I’m not totally confidence with my minimalism material this week. Well, I receive many question from my circle of friends and acquaintances about “What’s next for me?”. And a lot of them seems unsatisfied since they didn’t get an extravagant answer as they expect from me. So, this is kind of a detailed excuse from me.

I spent 4 years (maybe even more) in Semarang, since I enter college. And it was a roller coaster road back then which I enjoy and eventually, be thankful for. And it was also the busiest moment that I’ve ever experienced in my life time.

Although I enjoy being busy at first, now that I think about it, I lost much of my family time due to so many activities that I have in Semarang. And it was one of a few things that I regret the most in my life (I was a family-oriented girl more than what you expect, you know?).

So, I decide to just stay home for maybe one or a couple months in Tegal. Just to enjoy my family time and revive my energy before depart for my next journey.

Anyway, I’m not really good on multitasking. And since I already have some schedule for September, I think I’m gonna focus my energy on it and of course, enjoying my family time in Tegal. Only until I get bored, or my parents shoo me out of town, then I’ll set my next step.

Then Why not staying in Semarang a little longer until I get a job?

I have to be honest that until now, I still don’t have any intention to apply for any job or do any business. I don’t do thing half-hearted. And I don’t want to rush just because people’s judgement. It was my conscience that matter the most. So I’m not gonna apply for any job until I feel that I’m ready for that.

But I’m not that stubborn also. Some people suggest me not to take too much time in my comfort zone. And yes, I do think to take a master degree too. It’s just, I need to cool my brain to make a clear decision. For now, I only plan to enjoy my family time first. (:

Photo credit : Eutah Mizushima