Few things on August

Done is better than perfect Lean in book by Sheryl Sandberg

  • I decide to no longer active on Path. But I still keep my account there. It’s just, I delete the app from my phone. First, because I want to slowly lessen my appearance on the social media crowd. And second, also because I think Path is not my cup of social media. I’m not enjoying it as much as I enjoy Twitter (See, Twitter? My love for you is more than any other socmed, you know..)

  • Meet up with a very good friend from high school who now is based on the far far away Atambua City. I always love reunion time. Oh, she’s currently organizing a fundraising to build a library in Atambua City. If you want to help (and I encourage you to do so) you can drop your donation in her campaign in Kitabisa.com.

    A photo posted by Rizki D Kelimutu (@kelimuttu) on

  • I finally get myself a VR headset. Yippieeee! \o/ Now I have something to brag about every time friend stopping by at my place. Hahahaa. evil laugh

    It’s an early birthday present. Thank you @octagonstudio ❤❤❤

    Foto kiriman Rizki D Kelimutu (@kelimuttu) pada

  • Spend my birthday in KL. Been my first time in Malaysia & I’m totally in love with the food! <3 This photo is taken when we meet Fahmi & wife, one of the community member in Mozilla Malaysia. It’s very nice to meet them in person. (:

  • Reunite with Mozillian from South East Asia + Japan, Korea, China, & Taiwan. Too bad we’re missing Arky this time. But it was a productive hackathon compare to last year, imo. It was a job well done by the l10n team & Malaysia community. Coolious, guys!

  • August this year was a totally tiring & brain-sucking month for me. But I got a luck this month. Since I win arisan in my birth date(isn’t that a good sign?). :b Anyway, apart of everything I’m still totally grateful for this month. Allah is so kind to me. (:

    A photo posted by Rizki D Kelimutu (@kelimuttu) on