Three things that made me happy in 2024
2024 mark a surprising turn in my life. It’s probably my most favorite year after the pandemic in 2020. And here are 3 things that made it special:
Cherry blossoms
Seeing cherry blossom in Japan was probably my most favorite moment of 2024. I’m not the type who keep a bucket list of travel destination, but it’s been so long since I wanted to visit Japan during spring time. And I’m glad the real experience turned out to be much more mesmerizing than I had anticipated. I’m not even exaggerating if I say that if I can only visit one country in the entire world, I will easily pick Japan.French music
And of course, seeing how fast Cygnus grow was another highlight in 2024. It’s crazy to look back now on how he went from crawling, to walk, and run, all in the same year. And he still on a steady run at the 97+% in height, weight, and head circumference up until now at his 17th month. I’m just so proud of my big baby!