Last week in words

In fact, if someone is making it look easy, they’re probably working all the harder.Sean McCabe

  • Stumble upon these quote above. And I love it instantly.
  • It’s hard to let go of my perfectionist self. It makes me want to do all the work by myself. Moreover, asking for help was never my thing because I dislike the feeling of vulnerability that came when I can’t figure something out for myself. But then I finally feel so exhausted. And then I said to myself “I need to learn to let go of the work that I can delegate. Screw perfectionism. Nobody does anyway.” And yeah, I really need to learn how to ask for help.
  • It proved, that I can get through it anyway. But it was just too pathetic that I get through it alone.
  • I wonder, why some people that unable to do something always think that we (the one who able to do it) should help them? I mean, why don’t they try to work on it in the first place? and then they can ask for help if they still unable to do it. Am I just too cruel to think this way?
  • Why do I don’t like to talk to people as much as I love to talk to myself? I wonder about this sometimes.
  • I’ve been thinking about this lately. Betapa saya harusnya bersyukur jadi umatnya Rasulullah. Bahkan dari lahir pun saya udah jadi muslim. Nggak kebayang kalo saya lahir pas jaman jahiliyah dulu. Kan memang nggak gampang buat percaya ke hal baru. Bahkan saya pun nggak yakin bisa jadi muslim yang istiqomah seandainya saya lahir di jaman jahiliyah.
  • I’ve been also thinking a lot about feminism lately.
  • I’m thinking too much this week. I might want to switch my mind off if it has any button.