What am I doing?

I don’t know what I’m doing.

My eyes were so heavy but it won’t close. So many bubbles comes out of my mind. But it busted just immediately after it released.

Btw, you pops on one of those bubbles. But it disappear not long after.

How can we figure out who we want to be? I always wonder how people might answer that question. I pictured it on my mind. But it just, so abstract that I can’t really tell.

Do you know what you want to do in this life? Because I do not. But I couldn’t care less.

Do you sometimes wish to live someone else’s life? Not that because you hate yourself. But more into because you sometimes think that yours is kinda boring.

Eh, how’s with that ticket you’ve bought yesterday? Do you really want to go to see the place? Or is it just an excuse to get away from your reality?

What so scary about your reality anyway? It’s not that you need to solve national’s riot. It’s not that you’re facing zombie apocalypse. It’s not that it’s bad.

Heh. Really. Nothing is wrong with my life. What am I thinking about right now?

Can you hear these sounds? Morning is coming already.

I just don’t know what I’m doing. Spent a whole night, wondering what am I thinking about. Am I just fell again? In the loop hole of my introverted soul?